If you are "Ready for Change", then by making the decision to invest in yourself, your relationships, or your career, you are on the path towards meaningful change.
Do you feel "stuck" or dissatisfied with your current career or need a change? We spend so much of our time in the engagement of work or work activities, it makes it so important to feel you are in the right place, feel happy, satisfied, and to feel a sense of purpose in your work. Burnout is unfortunately becoming more and more common - let's talk about prevention and also how to pull out of burnout and achieve long-term work/life balance. Tanya Hansen has worked with individuals and couples where one or both of the partners is an entrepreneur or a white collar professional where overtime and poor work/life balance is a concern.
Career planning for youth and young adults - Are you a teen (or parent of a teen or young adult) looking for career and educational direction and want some help with decision-making?
Are you experiencing stress and anxiety or is the main reason you are looking here is because either you, your teen/young adult, or both are experiencing anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiety, or burnout that is having a major impact on your life and your health and well-being?
If you're experiencing symptoms of anxiety or stress, try this technique?
COMING SOON - Online self-directed course to get you started if you need immediate help as this course is available 24/7 - this is not to replace therapy with either myself or another professional but is a resource to help you get started immediately on your journey to overcoming anxiety and can give some tools to get started. Reasons you might choose to add this resource could be: there is a waiting period for therapy, you are waiting on insurance benefits, you cannot afford to work with a mental health provider either financially or due to time constraints at this time, or your teen/young adult needs counselling for anxiety but might not feel comfortable right away to engage in therapy without finding more about how it could help them - or they are away at college/university and cannot engage in counselling right away - there are many reasons why "getting started" through a targeted course could be helpful to bridge these gaps.

Are you a teenager/young adult or a parent worried about the mental health of your teen (depression, anxiety, video game addiction) and well-being? Are they at risk in some way - hanging out with the wrong crowd or starting to make some bad decisions? Is there stress/strain in your relationship, doors slamming, shutting you out? It CAN get better.
Are YOU the teen, experiencing anxiety, depression, struggling in relationships, friendships, and school?
Are YOU a young adult struggling to figure out the direction you want to take in life and in your relationships with family and friends, your career, and with your significant other. The struggle for ADULTING is real and not usually taught in school.
You've come to the right place. Tanya has worked in a local high school as a counsellor, and has over 2 decades in working with youth, young adults, and their families.Additionally Tanya has additional training and experience in working with ADD/ADHD and the impact this can have on all aspects of life including career, education, and relationships. Living a balanced and less stressful life IS possible through collaboration, behaviour modification, and support.
For individuals
Are you feeling unsure about your relationship with your partner and want to have a chance to debrief about this and think about your options and what you want to be different? Are you even sure you want to continue in the relationship? What about the children? Tanya Hansen has the training and experience to help YOU to make the best possible decisions and to gain a sense of direction OR
Are you in the process of divorce or separation and need support as you navigate the many changes in your life? Tanya Hansen has led divorce support recovery groups and worked with people one on one to work through your "new normal".
For couples (Accepting new couples)
Are you feeling "stuck" in your relationship? Are there more arguments than fun? Financial worries? Job loss for one or both of you? Is there a serious communication breakdown and a lack of "we" or "us" in your relationship? Do one or more of your children have health or learning issues? Teenage defiance or drugs/alcohol? Difficulties with the in-laws? Do you or your partner travel extensively for work and feel "disconnected" and feel alternately happy to see each other, but also disconnected due to ongoing time apart? Tanya Hansen has extensive experience working with couples in the oil and gas industry and travel industry. She also has worked with many couples where one or both of the partners is an entrepreneur. Do you just want to get back to a place where you feel "in love" again?
At Tanya Hansen Therapy, I will provide an initial assessment, meaningful therapy homework, and provide accountability in follow-up sessions (which is proven to be a key component to making changes), and am able to provide both short-term and long-term follow-up, depending upon your specific situation. I also provide three flexible options to make therapy accessible and convenient for you through in-person, telephone, or web-based video counselling (using encrypted HIPAA/FOIPP compliant technology - JANE) or a combination of any of these approaches to make therapy convenient and available to fit YOUR schedule.
Please call or email me for an individual, couples, career, or family therapy consultation today.
Tanya Hansen 587-891-2577 or email tanya@tanyahansentherapy or email me through the Contact Us page.

Tanya Hansen, MSc (CMHC), MTS (Coun)
Tanya has been in practice in Okotoks since 2011 and has worked in the field of Mental Health Counselling since 1997. She has provided telephonic and video counselling services for over 5 years.

Online Counselling
When there is a good internet connection, online counselling can feel very similar to in-person counselling and leads to similar and sometimes superior outcomes.
This approach offers convenience, no commuting, no parking fees, avoids traffic and bad weather, and can often be a flexible choice for parents in that no babysitter is required.
Recommended for: couples and individuals

Coming Soon
Online Webinars
This is a great, and very inexpensive, way to get to know more about the counsellor you are thinking of seeing, as well as gaining practical tips, advice, and information in an area where you are seeking more information and skills. It can also be a helpful adjunct to individual, couples, and family counselling.

Coming Soon
MAY 2024